Unit 5 Audio Blog Post 1

For today’s lesson, we learned how to use audacity as that will be the software we will all be using to create our project for this unit. Audacity is an audio editing software which you can get for free and with it you can edit sound files such as songs and add affects such asContinue reading “Unit 5 Audio Blog Post 1”

Unit 7 Interactive Media Blog Post 2

For our task, we have to implement the theme of fantasy into a form of interactive creative media. One possible idea I have is to have cars with boost and extra power compete in drag races and which ever car is the fastest wins. You could choose the length of the drag strip from oneContinue reading “Unit 7 Interactive Media Blog Post 2”

Unit 7 Interactive Media Blog Post 1

There are many different types of media. I will go through a few examples, explain them and will say if they interest me or not. Example 1 – Internet – The Internet is a medium for many things. It can be used for advertising, blogging, finance and many more. It also has many things thatContinue reading “Unit 7 Interactive Media Blog Post 1”

Pixel art cup and story boards

For our third skills building task, we used microsoft paint to create a cup based off of any company we wanted. I chose the company Costa Coffee and by sheer luck found a font style that was very similar to the font style used in Costa Coffee’s current logo. I used a dark red colourContinue reading “Pixel art cup and story boards”

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